Courses and Training


I hope that you find our web pages both enjoyable and informative. Our website offers prospective parents a glimpse of our school, while current parents will hopefully gain further insight into the many opportunities that their children are receiving whilst checking forthcoming dates.


Online courses for parents/carers and school staff about children’s physical, emotional and brain development.

£88 worth of content FREE for residents of Oldham!

These courses don’t lecture, they explain psychological and neuroscience in jargon free bite sized chunks. Highly recommended for all! Visit
• Access code: DAISY
• Create an account** and start right now!   ‘Understanding your child’ 0-19 years (main course)and/or
• ‘Understanding your teenager’s brain’ (short course)
*Evidence based. Accredited.
**GDPR compliant. The provider (Solihull Approach in collaboration with HEIApply) will never reveal your details to anyone.

Sign in to resume the course anytime, 24/7.

Moving for Children
It’s important for all children, from birth to eighteen, to keep moving to help with their physical development, wellbeing and mental health. The restrictions to our permitted movement as a result of Covid-19 means that it could be harder to help our children move enough. Greater Sport~have developed a number of different resources that are freely available online to help your work with children and families.  Attached are a set of 3 leaflets that are free to download for parents and carers to support their children’s physical development from babies through to pre-school.
More information and resources can be found here


Parenting Smart information or click here to visit the Place2Be website for more information.

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