SENDCO: Mrs Sairah Ahmed – 0161 665 3030

SEND Governor: Mrs Gina Andrewes – 0161 665 3030

Here at Broadfield Primary School we offer a fully inclusive environment for all our students. We pride ourselves on our caring and nurturing community and we believe that through this, young people will be happy, feel safe and ultimately achieve to the best of their ability.

We strive to give all students at Broadfield Primary School a consistently high quality experience within the classroom. This is where we believe the best learning and progress takes place and all support and interventions will begin here with high quality differentiation, a full knowledge and understanding of the students and an exciting and enthusing learning experience.

Students who have additional needs or learning difficulties that are a barrier to their learning will be monitored and supported throughout their time in our school. It is important that students who find learning more challenged are equipped with tools and strategies to enable them to become more independent not only in school but outside and beyond school.

Ultimately, our aim is to ensure that students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities experience a fully inclusive education, with a broad and balanced curriculum within a nurturing community.  Additional support is targeted and delivered and assessed on a timely cycle to accelerate progress with the aim of supporting all children to achieve their potential.

Other sources of information:

  • Tiny Happy People – SEND resources
    Tiny Happy People from the BBC has ideas to support parents and carers in developing the language and communication skills children 0-4 years old, with a particular section on supporting children with SEND. There are a range of ideas to support young children with speech and language difficulties, as well as case studies and signposts to further organisations that can help.
  • MAHDLO Ability Zone
  • SEND Helpline

SEND Helpline (Talk Oldham) is now available – Tel: 0161 503 1559 (Mon to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm). The helpline will offer vital Information and signposting for Oldham SEND families during this critical period of uncertainty. The new helpline team are ready and waiting to receive calls. Families can also access 1:1 live chats 7.00 – 9.00pm weekdays at

View the SEND helpline flyer here

SEND Local Offer 

To view information with regards to the SEND local offer please click here or here to view the leaflet.

Also to view the current leaflet with regards to questions around transition click here

  • Oldham’s parent/carer forum POINT (Parents of Oldham in Touch): Tel: 0161 667 2054

Also, Oldham Council have an ‘additional needs’ register which they use to adapt their services ensuring that the needs of children are met. You can add the name of your child and information about how special needs or disabilities affect their life to help the coucil develop their services. It is entirely voluntary and will not have any affect on the services you receive. If you would like to add these details you can visit the page by clicking this link:

Oldham Additional needs register