- Verbal praise
- Claps and pats on the back
- Stickers for good work, effort and behaviour
- Smiley faces, merits and/or stars on good work
- Class trophy awarded to ‘Pupil of the Week’ in Friday assembly
- Broadfield Value awarded in Friday assembly with certificate
- Award winners are named on our regular newsletter
- Dinnertime stickers – daily
- Postcards sent home at the end of each half-term
Good work shown to Mrs Moran (Principal) or Mrs Walker (Deputy Principal)
Very occasionally, children forget our rules for good behaviour and may behave inconsiderately towards others. Everyone at Broadfield Primary School has agreed to try to prevent this from happening by reminding pupils of the classroom rules and the Broadfield Values.
Sometimes this may not be enough and the following consequences will be applied:
- Warning
- Move to Amber and ‘Time Out’ if needed
- Move to Red
- ‘Time Out’ in another classroom
- If your child moves beyond consequence 4, you may be invited into school for a meeting.
The importance of good behaviour cannot be overestimated in our view. Governors, staff, children and parents are entitled to enjoy a happy, safe and supportive environment.