Place2Be Online Safety At Home

Place2Be have realeased their third #OnlineSafetyAtHome pack which is now available in the following links. It has new activities for parents and carers to use at home:


You can still find all of their previous home activity packs on their parents and carers website. These can be downloaded at any time you choose.

Spread their message with their social media support pack.

Using social media to keep in touch with parents and carers during lockdown?

Their new #OnlineSafetyAtHome social media support pack contains ready-to-use social posts and images to help you keep your community up to date with the latest news and resources.

Access your support pack

Online safety during COVID-19: guidance & organisations

It can be tricky keeping on top of the new online safeguarding guidance and resources being published to support you during COVID-19.

Their latest blog post signposts to key guidance, reporting routes, and organisations that can support you and the families you work with.

Video chat during isolation: new for parents and carers

Professionals and parents and carers have told them that children are using video-chatting apps and sites to access learning and keep in touch with friends and family.

Two new Parent Info articles look at some of the things parents and carers should think about to make sure their child’s experience of video chat is safe and fun:
Video chatting: a guide for parents and carers of primary school-age children
Video chatting: a guide for parents and carers of secondary school-age children

Their surveys are still open!

Join over 200 professionals in sharing your views and helping them develop their support package by taking their short survey.

The survey will be kept open to enable you to tell them if your views or experiences change over the next few weeks and months.

Like their professionals survey, their parents and carers survey is also staying open. Where you can, please share their survey to give parents and carers the chance to let them know about the challenges you face and how they can support you.

Looking for e-learning opportunities?

If you’re using this time to develop, or refresh, your understanding of online safeguarding, why not take their Keeping Children Safe Online e-learning course, developed in partnership with the NSPCC.

The NSPCC has temporarily reduced the price of this course by a minimum of 10% depending on the number of licences you buy.

Check out their Twitter and Facebook for updates on the latest Thinkuknow advice and resources,and get in touch with them at for further support or to share feedback on their new packs.
