Our Mission Statement
“…our best in everything we do.”
“…a friendly, safe and secure school for us all”
“…an open and honest school by listening and telling the truth.”
“…happiness in our work and play.”
Our School Aims
- To provide a structured, stimulating and secure environment where children learn effectively.
- To strive for the highest standards of education using the best quality resources.
- To provide a broad, balanced, relevant and inspiring curriculum that is sensitive to individual needs.
- To develop a positive attitude to learning that encourages independence, self- reliance and self -discipline.
- To provide the knowledge and skills to participate fully in an increasingly technological and information rich environment.
- To encourage respect and tolerance for the other races, religions, beliefs, values and opinions.
- To encourage in each individual a sense of positive worth and self- respect by recognising and emphasising positive qualities and abilities.
- To work with parents in a spirit of mutual respect and co-operation and encourage them to be informed and active members of the school community.
- To be an active member of the local community and encourage each individual
to become a confident, responsible and caring member of that community.
Broadfield Values
B Belief
R Respect
O Our Community
A Aspirations
D Diversity
F Friendship
I Inclusion
E Equality
L Learning
D Determination
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