
Click here to see the overview for the teaching of Music 2024-2026

At Broadfield, our aim is to provide opportunities for children to develop as confident, articulate and well-rounded children who can succeed as individuals and contribute to their community and the wider world.

We aim to give our children a high quality music education, which will engage and inspire them to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians. The aims and objectives of our music curriculum is as follows:

  • To ensure children develop an enjoyment and love for music
  • To ensure an entitlement to music for all pupils in line with the National Curriculum
  • To promote continuity, progression and coherence across the school
  • To provide opportunities for children to acquire basic skills and understanding in music through participation in musical activities individually and by working in a group
  • To develop creativity and imagination through listening, responding and composing music

Implementation (how we teach music)

Foundation Stage

Pupils engage with exploring music in specific areas in the indoor and outdoor continuous provision daily. In addition, pupils are taught the national curriculum requirements for music through ‘Charanga’.

Key Stage 1

Children receive a music lesson weekly. This is provided through Charanga.

Key Stage 2

Children in Years 3 and 4 are taught how to play a different musical instrument each year. Specialist music teachers on a weekly basis deliver these lessons.

The following is a breakdown of the different musical instruments taught in each year group:

  • Year 3: Violin
  • Year 4: Flutes
  • Music lessons in Year 1, 2, 5 and 6 are delivered entirely by the class teachers using the Charanga programme. This ensures a balanced curriculum encompassing composition, performing, listening, and appraising.

Continuity and Progression

Each year group builds on skills and knowledge covered in previous years leading to a spiral curriculum of music.

Opportunities for enriched musical learning

Broadfield Primary School works closely with Oldham Music Centre to provide quality and engaging learning experiences. This begins in year 3 where children are taught to play the violin and year 4 where children learn to play the flute.

Click here to find out about Wider Opportunities in violins at Broadfield

Click here to find out about Wider Opportunities in flutes at Broadfield

Regular opportunities to perform in concerts and shows both individually and as a class enable children to grow as confident performers.

Children in KS1 and KS2 are offered the chance to join a fun and exciting choir where they will learn new songs and get the chance to perform these. The lower junior choir then get the opportunity to perform at Manchester Cathedral and the upper juniors attend the much loved ‘Young Voices’ sing along which is held at the Manchester Arena. In 2021, Young Voices will celebrate 25 years of singing together as the largest children’s choir concerts in the world!

Children at Broadfield Primary School are extremely lucky as they get the chance to attend the ‘Come and Play with the Hallé’ at the Bridgewater Hall in Manchester. This is a unique series of concerts specially designed to offer thousands of children the opportunity to play and sing with an international symphony orchestra.

SMSC is an important part of our curriculum at Broadfield Primary school and is embedded into music in many different ways.

Whilst teaching music, children are given the chance to listen to and participate in, performances for the school and wider community. We teach our pupils to appreciate how different cultures have contributed to popular music genres today by formulating opinions and showing awareness and sensitivity towards others.

Music also allows our children to take part in a wide variety of different activities which require social skills, the ability to work collaboratively as part of a pair or group, as part of their class and as part of the school.

