
Click here to see the overview for mathematics 2024-2025

Our intent is to provide opportunities for children to develop confident, articulate and well-rounded children who can succeed as individuals and contribute to their community and the wider world.

We aim to make mathematics a source of fun where our pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics whilst developing flexibility, initiative, accuracy, communication skills and logical thinking. Pupils will be able to move fluently between representations of mathematical ideas making strong connections to develop fluency, reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems.

They should also be able to confidently apply their mathematical knowledge to other subjects.

The teaching and learning of mathematics at Broadfield, equips the children with tools to understand the world around them by developing their ability to calculate, reason, solve problems and think in abstract ways. Pupils have the opportunity to develop their mental calculation skills regularly through focussed simmering and arithmetic lessons where arithmetic tests are utilised. Through challenging and fun activities, we encourage our children to become confident and competent in their ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly.

We promote Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development and British Values through our Mathematics curriculum:

● Investigating different number sequences and where they occur in the real

● Pupils also learn about money and the role it plays in our society, for example
money is earned.

Implementation (how we teach Mathematics)

EYFS follow Development Matters, enhanced – in Reception – by NCETM Mastering Number, along with White Rose Education materials. This is mainly the measure, shape and geometry sections. In Nursery the White Rose Education materials for number are used. In Key Stages 1 and 2, teaching and learning in mathematics is organised using White Rose Mathematics Framework and Assertive Mentoring Assessment and Target Setting.

It is based on the key principles:

● Dedicated daily mathematics lessons using a variety of teaching and learning styles

● A high proportion of whole class and group-direct teaching

● The process involves concrete (using manipulatives), followed by pictorial and abstract representations

● Interactive oral work with an emphasis on mental calculation, counting and the rapid recall of number facts. By the end of Year 4 children should know all the times table facts up to 12 x 12 and by the end of KS2 be fluent in using and applying them

● Manageable adaptation, relating to a common objective

● Emphasis on the understanding and use of mathematical vocabulary

● Opportunities to carry out open ended maths investigations.

Daily sessions incorporate:

A: Mental and Oral Simmering. For example:
● Counting on and back in various steps including bridging x10 x100
● Rehearsal of number bonds and key facts
● Rehearsal of multiplication and division facts
● Doubling and Halving
● Multiplying and Dividing by 10, 100, 1000 etc
● Rehearsal for targets.

B: Main Lesson
A main learning activity where:
● The lesson is put into the context of previous learning
● Mathematical vocabulary is shared, explained and the opportunity given for children to use it correctly
● The Learning Objective is communicated and is designed to generate the planned learning outcome
● Skills and concepts are taught and modelled
● Expected learning outcomes are communicated as Success Criteria
● Careful adaptation enables the challenge of the task to be matched to the ability of the child
● Adults support the teacher to ensure that work is matched to the needs of individuals
● The children have access and use of a range of resources such as number lines, number squares, multiplication facts and small apparatus such as Numicon to support their work
● Children are encouraged to ask as well as answer questions
● Wherever possible allows the children to use and apply their skills in everyday situations, especially in cross curricular lessons
● Incorporates mini-plenaries enabling learning for all pupils to be maximised. Mini- plenaries and a final plenary session enables:
● The learning objective and learning outcomes to be reviewed
● Outstanding misconceptions to be addressed
● Future learning to be discussed or introduced
● Opportunity for children to apply their skills to everyday situations.
● Self and Peer assessment opportunities


The impact on our pupils is as follows:
● Quick and accurate recall of facts and methods using the four operations
● The flexibility and fluidity to move between different contexts and representations.
● The ability to recognise relationships and make connections.

Assessments are carried out using a range of formative assessment strategies and through assertive mentoring half termly tests. Judgements are regularly moderated. A mathematical concept or skill has been mastered when a child can show it in multiple ways, using the mathematical language to explain their ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations.

Standardised tests in Year 4 (multiplication tables check) and at the end of Key Stage 2 are indicators of the impact of the curriculum at Broadfield
