Children’s University

Our school take part in the Children’s University programme. Children’ University is an organisation which signposts you to exciting learning activities which take place outside the normal school day – it could be before school, during lunchtime, after school, during weekends or holidays etc. The activities are all voluntary, it is up to you to choose what you do and when, and the learning always has a link to something you could go on to do at a ‘grown up’ university. Broadfield have been doing Children’s University for a year with children in Years 5 and 6. At the start of the year the children were given Children’s University Passports to Learning which recorded the number of hours the children achieved. The more activities that children attended enabled them to add up many hours. For a bronze level certificate, you need 30 hours, 65 hours for silver and 100 hours for gold.


So remember – every hour counts!
For more information please read the leaflet or visit