If your child is too ill to attend school, or has a doctor’s appointment, please let us know as soon as possible. We encourage all parents to use the Studybugs app. Alternatively you can telephone, call into the school office or send a message with another adult.
We operate a ‘School Safe’ policy and therefore, if we do not hear from you by 9.00am on the first day of absence, we will contact you to check that your child is safe. For this reason it is very important that school always has up to date contact numbers.
Please save us the worry and let us know!
When a child is absent, we record the absence as either ‘authorised’ or ‘unauthorised’. An ‘unauthorised’ absence is where we have not been informed by an adult of the reason for the absence, or when the Principal considers that there is no valid reason for the absence. We will authorise absences when parents/carers notify school by letter, telephone or in person and we consider that the absence is reasonable.
The LEA and the government monitor school’s attendance.
Please help us to reduce absences by making non-essential appointments out of school hours, and taking holidays within the school holiday periods.